Single Life Escapades

Stockholm, London, New York, Paris or wherever life takes us! Follow us and our single lives around the world and watch us trying to survive "the dating jungle".

All day, all night

Publicerad 2016-02-13 14:37:00 i Queen F,

This is supposed to be about our lives, so here we go

I´m studying at a very small university where everyone lives on campus, it´s also in a small city so we mostly only hang out together. As you might understand that causes a lot of intrigues, with friends and also relationships and you just have to be very cautious about what you are doing, even when you are partying because trust me people will talk. Not only will people talk but if you do anything with someone you cannot do it only for that night because you will definitely see that person again. Let me give you two examples so you can understand my real life struggles. 

We went out on Thursday and there is a guy who is always at the bar we usually go to, I haven't realised that he works there until yesterday when I actually saw him working. I have seen him out a few times and he knows one of my good friends so we have been dancing quite a bit and having fun. So Thursday he was obviously there and we made it a very late night, we started in school then we went to this bar and then we finished the night off at a club. As you can imagine we were quite drunk when we got to the club. Anyways, at the club I was dancing with him having fun and then he kissed me, or more like started making out with me. I responded for a little while until I realised what I was doing so I stopped. This exact situation happened once more but I didn't think much of it because it was just two kisses. I don't think he saw it the same way though because yesterday when we were at this bar when he was working he kept looking at me and every time he walked past me he touched my arm or something like that. It's nothing major but I still just want to tell him that I´m not interested which I will of course, it's just so frustrating that you can't even just share a kiss or two and then leave it at that. 

 This semester I'm meeting a lot of new people who I have not gone to university with before. On Thursday I was talking quite a bit with one guy and we were also dancing and enjoying but he was a little bit too touchy so I had to keep telling him off. Yesterday I was more sober and he came up to me and said sorry about the day before and that he knows I was mad about it. He also asked if I wanted to dance and to make up for yesterday he would keep his hands to himself. He was really sweet so I said yes and we danced for a bit and he said things like how he wanted to dance with me because it was so good yesterday and gave me compliments, honestly it was quite nice. After a little while he asked me if he could kiss and I said no since I don't know him well enough. I wouldn't have minded but here the issue is, the school is so small, first of all everyone was already looking at us dancing so imagine their reaction if we kissed and second of all we will be at university together for four months and will see each other every day so it's too much commitment to share a kiss even though it's just one. Anyways, he said that he wants to get to know me and he asked if he will get to kiss me if he makes an effort. The thing is how can I know if this is drunk talk and something he says to everyone or if he actually means it. We'll see if he talks to me when he is sober as well, haha! 

Too much confusion, and too much thinking. Two things which I don't like, we should just have fun in life!

Ps. Sorry for the long post, I would give you a potato but this is not 9gag..


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Queen F & Queen T

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